Songs Removed from the Animoto Music Library

Occasionally our music partners request that we remove a song from our Animoto music library. When that happens, we do our best to give you a heads up before the song is no longer available for use in your Animoto videos. Below we've documented what happens to your video when a song you’ve used is removed.

Video that has never been produced:

If your video has not yet been produced, the first time you open your project after the song is removed from our library you'll receive a notification in the top right corner of the page letting you know we've swapped out your original song choice with a new selection. Click on the song title while editing your video to select a new song.

Video that has been produced:

If your video has already been produced, as long as you do not edit your project your video will remain unchanged and you'll be able to continue to download and share your video with the original song. If you need to edit, we recommend making a copy before editing so that you can keep a version of your video with both songs. Should you decide to edit your video you'll receive a notification in the top right corner of the page letting you know we've swapped out your original song choice with a new selection. Click on the song title while editing your video to select a new song.

Video that has been downloaded or shared:

Any video that you have already downloaded and shared will remain unchanged, and your original song choice will always stay attached to those files! Since you made your video before the song was removed from our library, you still have permission to use the song on social media.


If you have any questions, reach out to our Customer Team! We're happy to help.

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