Adding, Editing, and Deleting Saved Brands

Users on the Professional and Professional Plus plans can add Saved Brands to their account. Saved Brands automatically apply your font, color scheme, and watermark to your Animoto project with just one click! You’ll find Saved Brands under the Design tab at the top of Workspace. 

Please note that only Team Admins are able to edit the organization’s brand settings.

Add a Saved Brand

To add a new Saved Brand, select the Design tab at the top of the Workspace. Click on the + icon under My Brands to add a new Saved Brand. 


That will open the menu to customize your Saved Brand. You can upload your logo, select your brand colors, and preferred font. Click Create Brand when you’re done, and you’re set! 


Edit a Saved Brand

You can edit your Saved Brand any time by going to the Design menu at the top of the workspace. Hover your mouse over the Saved Brand you want to edit, and click on the pencil icon that appears.


After you click on the edit icon, that will bring you to the edit menu. Click on any of the brand elements you want to edit. Click Save Changes when you’re done, and you’re set!

Delete a Saved Brand

To delete a Saved Brand, open your Saved Brand for editing. Click the delete button at the bottom left hand corner of the edit menu. Follow the prompts to confirm that you want to delete your Saved Brand and you’re set!

Quick note: Deleting your Saved Brand only removes the saved settings from the Design menu. It will not change the settings that you have already applied to other videos. 


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