Add a Voiceover

Users on the  Professional and Professional Plus plans are able to add voiceovers to their video. 

You can record your voiceover directly into your project, or upload one that you already have! To add a voiceover, head over to the Audio tab at the top of the Workspace. At the bottom of the screen you’ll see the background audio and the option to add a voiceover. You can add up to 8 voiceover tracks per project. 

Click the microphone icon and select if you want to record, or upload a voiceover file. You can upload mp3, AAC, and m4a files. Your voiceover file can be up to 20mb in size and can be between 5 seconds and 20 minutes in length. To record your voiceover, click on the red record button and start recording at the end of the countdown. Click on the audio track to bring up the play menu to listen.

Adding a Voiceover GIF 1.gif

Once you add your voiceover, you can drag it to start at different points. Click on the voiceover file and move it to where you want it to start. You can also use the black cursor to move the instant preview to different points in the video! 

You can review and delete all of your voiceover tracks from the Your Music tab on the left hand side of the Audio Library.


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