Rearrange Blocks

You have a few ways to change the order of your Animoto 3 video! 

From the video's timeline

You can change the order the blocks appear in your video from the video timeline at the bottom of the Workspace. Click on the block you want to move, then drag into the new position. Blocks at the beginning of the timeline will play first, and the Blocks at the end will play last.

From Grid View

You can also use Grid View to see all of the blocks in your project at once. Just click on the arrow above the timeline in the Workspace, and drag and drop your blocks where you want them!

#41 Rearrange blocks grid view.gif

Rearranging multiple blocks at once

To select multiple blocks, hold Shift while selecting, and then drag them to where you want! You can select multiple blocks in the timeline, or in Grid View.

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