Uploading Images and Video Clips (Animoto Memories - legacy tool)

Hi there! This article is about Animoto Memories, our original slideshow creation tool. As a company we've decided to focus our energy on making updates and improvements to our newest offering, Animoto 3. That just means there won’t be any new updates or changes to Animoto Memories going forward.If you love using Animoto Memories though, we will always be here to support you if you have any questions!

Click here to learn more about Animoto Memories.

In Animoto Memories, all photos and video clips must belong to a song. To add video clips and photos, click on the + icon under your song, or Add pics & vids on the left hand panel.

Video clips will automatically be trimmed to 10 seconds long, but you can extend that by double clicking on the video clip and dragging the bumpers to your desired start and end points. For a handy visual, check out our article: Making Video Clips Longer than 10 Seconds (Animoto Memories - legacy tool)

Since the length of your video is set by the length of your song, if your song isn’t long enough your items will go to the overflow tray on the right hand panel. If this happens, you can change the pacing of your images, or add another song.

See also:

Items Going into the Overflow Tray (Animoto Memories - legacy tool)

Adjusting the Speed of Images (Animoto Memories - legacy tool)

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