Uploading Images and Video Clips (Animoto Memories - legacy tool)

Hi there! This article is about Animoto Memories, our original slideshow creation tool. As a company we've decided to focus our energy on making updates and improvements to our newest offering, Animoto 3. That just means there won’t be any new updates or changes to Animoto Memories going forward.If you love using Animoto Memories though, we will always be here to support you if you have any questions!

Click here to learn more about Animoto Memories.

Uploading images or video clips when you're creating a new Animoto Memories slideshow video or editing an existing one, is a snap! Click the "Add pics & vids" button on the left side of the screen. 


Next, navigate to where your digital images or clips are stored on your computer. To select multiple files, hold down the "ctrl" or "shift" keys while clicking on the files.

If you're on a Mac and using iPhoto, you can access your iPhoto albums by clicking the "Photos" button under the "Media" section in the file select box.

If your pictures are already uploaded to an online photo management site, we recommend using the "retrieve your images" option, since the images will already be downsized, saving you significant time.

As of 2020 Animoto no longer supports image retrieval from Lightroom in Animoto Memories or Animoto 3.


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