A block is where all the fun happens! It’s where you can customize all of your content and is specific to the type of media you’ve added.
Adding blocks:
To add additional blocks to your workspace and select the block type, click on the + next to the blue play icon in the bottom left hand corner of your screen.
Each project needs at least one block in the timeline before you can move images and video clips from the Media Library to the workspace.
Choosing a Block Type:
There are 5 types of blocks in Animoto 3: Media only, Text only, Media + Text, Burst, and Logo.
Each block type has its own editing functions. For example, media blocks include customization options specific to editing video clips, such as trimming, cropping, and adding text overlays. A photo burst block has options to organize photos and set the speed of your burst!
Drag and drop interface
The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to add photos or video clips to create new blocks, replace content in existing blocks, and to quickly rearrange your content!
Just drag and drop the media you want to use into the timeline to create a new block, or into the block workspace to select where the image or video clip is placed in your block layout.
Uploaded content will appear in the right hand Media Library. Content you’ve added to a block will appear with a checkmark in the Media Library to make it easy to see which images or video clips you’ve already used in your project.